LNC’s virtual sessions are based on the Zoom platform. Please see instructions below for setting up a new Zoom account or managing your existing account.


Tools for Engaging Participants
LNC recommends the use of question and answer segments, polls, and other methods for class interaction to encourage engagement and participation.  LNC uses web-based tools such as Poll Everywhere and Kahoot! as well as the tools within Zoom.  If you plan to use these or other tools as part of your session presentation, please let the LNC Team know in advance.  We are happy to help administer polls during your session presentation or gather data from class participants in advance.  Please provide at least one week’s notice if you would like our help with polling.

  • Poll Everywhere allows speakers to ask multiple choice and/or open-ended questions and present the anonymous responses real-time to the audience.
  • Kahoot! is a free interactive, game-based platform that can be used for polls, quizzes, and other forms of online audience engagement.



Getting Started

Be sure you’ve set up your Zoom account and familiarized yourself with the platform.  The LNC Team is happy to schedule a practice session in advance of your presentation day.

  • If you do not already have a Zoom account, create one here. The free account will meet all needs for the LNC presentation platform.  There is no need to set up a paid account, but you are welcome to use one if you already have it.
  • Zoom overview for new users can be found here.
  • Make sure your Zoom profile name includes your first and last name, and upload a profile picture.  The profile picture will be shown any time you are logged into Zoom but your camera is turned off. These protocols help the LNC Team recognize you when you first join the Zoom conference.
  • Test audio, microphone, and camera prior to your scheduled presentation day.
  • We recommend turning off any alarms or notifications or making sure your calendar and email platforms are closed while you are presenting.


Technical Assistance

  • If you have technical issues when setting up your Zoom account, notify the LNC Team.
  • If you have trouble accessing the Zoom call during session programming, text Emily Smith with LNC at (919) 538-4693.


Joining the Call

  • You will be sent the Zoom link in advance by LNC’s program director, Kelly Turner.
  • Join the Zoom conference 15 minutes before the start time for your program segment so we can address any technical issues.
  • You will start in a waiting room and be admitted promptly, joining the Zoom conference during active programming.  You will join with your microphone muted. Please remain muted until the start of your presentation.
  • Once you join the Zoom call, you will receive a welcome text from one of the following members of the LNC Team.  You may direct questions to that individual throughout your participation in the session.  Emily Smith should always be your first point of contact for technical questions.  Please text–do NOT use the chat feature–if you need a response from the LNC Team.
        • Kelly Turner, Program Director – (919) 523-4336
        • Emily Smith, Program Assistant – (919) 538-3693
        • Brian Etheridge, President – (919) 609-1113
        • Maggie Stroud, Alumni Director – (919) 830-1110
  • The LNC Team will make you a co-host upon joining the Zoom conference.  You will have the ability to share your screen, view the participant list, and see the order of participants with questions during the Q&A portion of your presentation.


Protocols and Best Practices

  • Stay muted until you are speaking.
  • Participate from a quiet environment.
  • Make sure you are lighted from the front, with no bright light source behind you.
  • Keep your camera on during your session presentation. Unless you specify otherwise, the LNC Team will spotlight you and (if relevant) your shared screen while you are presenting. This means that you and any content you are sharing will be the most prominent in each participant’s view.
  • All participants will be muted while you are presenting.
  • If you will be sharing slides or video clips, please send all presentation materials to LNC program director Kelly Turner at least 48 hours before your presentation.  Let Kelly know whether you prefer to share your screen and advance your own slides or other presentation content, or if you prefer we share content and advance slides while you are speaking.
  • If you will share any video content from your computer, you must check “share computer sound” and “optimize screen sharing for video clip” when you share your screen.  These are small check boxes at the bottom of the view where you select which screen you will share.  Without following this step, participants will not hear the audio portion of your clip.


Raise Hand Feature and Zoom Chat

  • Participants will be instructed to use the digital “raise hand” feature in Zoom during Q&A and discussion opportunities.  Open the participant panel in the Zoom menu to see who has raised their hand and in what order.  The LNC Team will help monitor raised hands and call on participants to ask questions during the appropriate time in your presentation window.
  • During the session, some participants may use the chat feature in Zoom to make comments, engage with each other, and suggest resources to expand the program experience. The LNC team will monitor the chat and bring any important questions or comments to your attention. Those using the digital raise hands feature will receive first priority in asking questions or making comments. You are not expected to monitor the chat during your presentation.


Recommended View  

  • During Zoom meetings, we suggest you use the Gallery view.
  • The Gallery view will allow you to see the members of Class XXVIII. Depending on the size of your Zoom window and the size of your monitor, participants may be spread across multiple pages.  Use the arrows to scroll from page to page as needed.
  • During Q&A and discussion, we recommend that you keep the Participants panel open.  This will display a list of participants and will show the order in which participants have  “raised hands” to ask a question or make a comment. To show the bar, click on the participants option in the Zoom menu.


Virtual Backgrounds

  • Zoom offers you the option to create a virtual background.  You may choose to set up a virtual background or to show your real background.
  • For guidance on setting up a virtual background, click here to watch a short video from Zoom.


Changing Your Name During a Meeting

  • Click on the participants option in the menu at the bottom of the Zoom meeting window.
  • Hover your mouse over your name in the participants menu and select More and Rename
  • Enter your name in Firstname Lastname format.


Breakout Sessions

The breakout room feature may be used during program sessions to allow participants to collaborate in small groups or learning teams and facilitate session programming.  If you would like to incorporate a breakout during your presentation, please notify the LNC Team at least one week before your presentation date.