Be sure to review the resources and tackle the assignments below before joining your class in Charlotte. These are all required preparation for the HHS session. Many additional resources are included on the HHS Resources page.
Community Impact Team Donations (Optional)
To support Class XXVI’s commitment to each city it visits, the Class XXVI Community Impact Team invites you to bring donations to Second Harvest Food Bank. Donations can be dropped off before the Tuesday optional activity or brought to UNC Charlotte on Thursday after the Making Ends Meet Simulation.
- Second Harvest Food Bank Fact Sheet
- Second Harvest Food Bank Shopping List
- Secure Link to Donate to Second Harvest Food Bank
Optional Activity Assignments
For the Tuesday optional activity the class has been divided between Crisis Assistance Ministry and Second Harvest Food Bank. Please check this list for your assignment. The two sites share a parking lot, and the LNC team will direct you to the right building upon arrival. Please arrive by 1:45 pm to check in.
Required Pre-Reading and Viewing
Making Ends Meet Simulation
On Thursday morning Class XXVI will gather at the University City Boulevard Harris Teeter (near UNC Charlotte) for the Making Ends Meet Simulation. To get the most out of this exercise, please do the following before Thursday morning:
- Review the simulation instructions (link below). Make sure you know who your group members are and get familiar with your assigned scenario.
- Consider strategizing with your group during the break after Wednesday’s session, over the Wednesday class dinner, over breakfast at the hotel Thursday morning (breakfast is optional, RSVP required), and/or while carpooling to Harris Teeter Thursday morning. Past participants recommend also thinking about your shopping list in advance.
- Review the resources linked below and be prepared to ask any questions about WIC or SNAP or food insecurity in general during Wednesday’s “Food Support System” presentation. Print anything you want to have with you in hard copy.
- Review driving directions and plan to arrive at Harris Teeter in plenty of time for the simulation to start promptly at 8:30 am on Thursday.
Making Ends Meet Simulation Materials
- “Making Ends Meet” Simulation Instructions and Group Assignments Review this in advance.
- WIC Shopping Guide Each team will be given one copy of this guide on Thursday morning.
- What Can SNAP Buy? Each team will be given a copy of this list on Thursday morning.
- NC WIC Resources
- NC eWIC Overview
- SNAP Eligibility