The draft agenda and an overview of the Environment session schedule are below. If you’d like to have a printed copy of the agenda at session, please print it on March 30 to be sure it reflects any last-minute adjustments.  The overall timeline will not change.

Tuesday, March 31

  • 2:00 – 4:00 pm (arrive at main gate by 1:30 pm): Biltmore Estate Agriculture and Sustainability Tour (Optional)
    • Business casual attire, closed-toed shoes recommended.
    • Advance RSVP through attendance survey required.  No late cancellations, please.
    • When arriving at the Estate, proceed through the main gates. Let any attendants know you are joining the LNC tour and they will guide you to Antler Hill Village. You will be given your ticket at Antler Hill Village.
    • Arrive at Antler Hill Village by 1:45 pm to park and check in.  Note that meeting location is a 15-minute drive from the main Estate entrance. Late arrivals (after 2:00 pm) cannot be accommodated.
    • Tour will be conducted by bus with some outside stops and standing but limited walking.
  • 5:30 pm: Session Reception (Optional)
    • Business or business casual attire.
    • Advance RSVP through attendance survey required.


Wednesday, April 1

  • 7:30 am: Breakfast at Warren Wilson College Dining Hall (Optional).
    • Advance RSVP through attendance survey required.
    • Allow 20 minutes to drive from the Asheville hotel to Warren Wilson and 5-10 minutes to walk from the parking lot to the student center.
  • 8:15 am – 3:30 pm: Session programming at Warren Wilson College. Business casual, outdoor-appropriate clothing with good walking shoes recommended for Warren Wilson tour and New Belgium tour.
    • Programming includes a 90-minute walking tour of the Warren Wilson College campus. Watch the weather and pack and dress accordingly.
  • 4:15 – 5:45: Optional tour of New Belgium Brewery.
    • Advance RSVP through attendance survey required.
    • Carpooling encouraged.
  • 6:30 pm: Class dinner at Pack’s Tavern (required, walkable from hotel). Casual attire.


Thursday, April 2 

  • 7:30 – 8:15 am: Breakfast at UNC Asheville (Optional).
    • Advance RSVP through attendance survey required.
    • To park at UNCA, you must register your vehicle in advance through this link, print the parking pass it generates, and display the pass in your vehicle while on campus. Carpooling encouraged.
  • 8:15 – 2:00 pm: Session Programming at UNC Asheville. Business casual.


Notes on Attire

All events for this session are business casual attire, with the exception of the Tuesday optional activity and the Wednesday class dinner. “Business casual” means you don’t need to be in a suit but you should look polished and professional. Class dinners are always casual attire. Good walking shoes are important for Thursday at Warren Wilson College.

We work hard to have a comfortable room temperature in all meeting locations, but “comfortable” is different for everyone.  We recommend layers or bringing a light sweater or jacket just in case.



Meals and Snacks

LNC believes in keeping you well-fueled by presenting a variety of options at meals and breaks. Breakfasts are always optional but encouraged. They provide an extra opportunity to engage with your classmates, reflect on session content, and settle in for the day ahead. The Wednesday class dinner is required and counts towards the program attendance requirement.



  • Breakfast 7:30 – 8:15 (optional, served in the WWC dining hall, arrival by 8:00 am required to allow time to eat and transition to meeting location)
  • Morning break with snacks and beverages
  • Lunch
  • Class dinner (required part of session programming)


  • Breakfast 7:30 – 8:15 am (optional, arrival time is flexible)
  • Morning break with snacks and beverages
  • Lunch
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