Leadership NC Applicants
Your application requires two letters of recommendation. Please forward the link to this page to two references for them to submit their letters directly to Leadership North Carolina. Letters may be submitted prior to completion of your program application. All materials must be received by midnight on June 24, 2022, for your application to be considered.
Recommendation Writers
Thank you for sharing your time and perspective to recommend a candidate for the next class of Leadership North Carolina. Recommendation letters are a critical part of each candidate’s application.
Please complete the form below and follow the instructions to upload your letter of recommendation by June 24, 2022. Letters submitted through this process will come directly to LNC and will not be shared with candidates.
Your letter should speak to your personal or professional connection to the candidate, the candidate’s leadership qualities, and their personal and professional engagement with issues of importance to their community and the state. Please also address what you believe the candidate will bring to the LNC program, how they will benefit from the program, and how the program can help the candidate contribute to North Carolina. If you would like to learn more about Leadership North Carolina before submitting your recommendation, feel free to explore our website.
Your letter should be addressed as follows and uploaded as a PDF through the form below. It is not necessary to mail a hard copy.
LNC Selection Committee
Leadership North Carolina
Post Office Box 31125, Raleigh, NC 27622