Candidate Outreach: We Need Your Help!

Word of mouth is LNC’s most powerful recruitment tool.  Every year, LNC participants share that they learned about LNC or decided to apply based on personal outreach from alumni or members of the current class. We hope that you will take a few minutes to help us connect with strong prospects for LNC Class 32 (2024-2025) and beyond.  In the page below we have provided some outreach tools and some additional information.


  • Email Introduction Template: Shares instructions and sample language and links you can paste into an email to connect a prospective applicant with LNC’s program director.


  • Program Background: Offers an overview of recruitment goals and priorities and current program fee and scholarship details as context for you as connectors. (This is intended for you and not designed as something for you to share with candidates.)


Please reach out to LNC Program Director Kelly Turner with any questions or with suggestions for other ways to connect with outstanding candidates.

Email Introduction Template

Sample Email Intro Instructions

A personal email introduction among an LNC alum, a prospective applicant, and a member of the LNC team is the easiest and most effective way to build a connection.  We encourage you to reach out to promising candidates in your network to share a bit about your LNC experience and provide links to program details.  Suggested language and links are included below.  Feel free to adapt and to make this your own!

If you prefer, instead of doing an email introduction you may share some or all of the links below with candidates and encourage them to complete the Interest Form if they decide they would like more information.


Sample Email Intro Text

Dear [[Prospect First Name]]:

I’m writing to let you know about Leadership North Carolina and my participation in LNC’s Core Program. By sharing a bit about my LNC experience, I hope to encourage you to apply for next year’s class. With this email, I’m also introducing you to LNC’s Program Director, Kelly Turner (  Kelly and the LNC team can share updates and help guide you through the upcoming application process. The application will be live June 1 – June 24.

During my LNC experience, I spent 2.5 days each month from October through May connecting with a diverse group of leaders from across the state.  We visited eight different locations, from east to west, and learned about the history, challenges, and opportunities facing the state of North Carolina. We participated in sessions on government, economic development, education, health and human services, the environment, and inclusive leadership. We took part in powerful and engaging simulations, heard from experts on multiple topics, and engaged in lively and informative discussions, all with a focus on turning our knowledge into action for the benefit of our state.

Through LNC I formed strong and lasting relationships with a unique group of leaders from a variety of backgrounds and sectors and learned powerful ways to have an impact on building an outstanding future for North Carolina. As an alum of LNC I’m now part of a statewide network of more than 1400 individuals who care passionately about our state.

Here are some links about the program you might find helpful:

I hope that you will consider applying for this exceptional and prestigious program and that you’ll use me as a resource. Be sure to let me know if I can help in any way!


[[Your name]]


[[Be sure to cc]]

Program Background
(For Internal Use)


The content below is intended as background for LNC alumni and is not meant for sharing with prospective applicants.


Recruitment Goals and Priorities

Each year, LNC strives to build a class that reflects the diversity of North Carolina in areas including age, race, gender, geography, sector of employment, stage of career, and types of civic and community involvement.

North Carolina’s Latino and Native American communities and participants from rural parts of the state have typically been underrepresented in LNC classes.  There is also a large group of counties that have had limited representation.  While LNC is actively recruiting exceptional applicants from all areas and backgrounds, connecting with strong candidates from these specific categories is a top priority for recruitment efforts.


Program Fee and Scholarship Support

The program fee for Class 32 is $7,000.  This is less than half of what it would be without generous support from our sponsors and alumni.  The program fee covers everything except travel and accommodations for the full program year.  To support those for whom the program fee is a barrier to participation, LNC offers limited scholarship support through two programs. Prospective participants are invited to submit a separate scholarship application when they complete their program application. Applying for a scholarship will not impact their consideration for the program, and they must be accepted into the program before being considered for scholarship support.

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