March 1 – 3, 2022
Beaufort and Carteret County


The Duke Energy Economic Development Session will be held in Beaufort and Carteret County.  During this session, participants will explore the diversity of economic drivers and resources in the state as they learn about opportunities, challenges, and the principles behind sound economic development. Use the “Learn More” links under the icons below to find everything you need to know about the Economic Development session.


COVID Protocols

Our top priority in bringing Class XXIX together in March is keeping everyone safe. In collaboration with LNC’s Health Advisory Task Force and with support of the LNC Board of Directors, the following protocols have been defined and the attendance policy has been suspended.


Negative COVID Test Result Required Within 72 Hours of Session Start
Every class participant—regardless of vaccination status—is required to submit a negative COVID PCR or rapid test (at-home tests are fine) within 72 hours before event start time.  This means you should take your test no earlier than Saturday, 2/26/22, at 3:00 pm. Tests must be submitted through this online form before Tuesday, 3/1/22 at 12:00 pm.  Testing information and locations can be found through this NCDHHS Resource.


Vaccination and Booster Strongly Recommended
LNC strongly encourages full vaccination plus booster but does not require proof of vaccination to attend the session. Proof of vaccination will NOT be accepted in lieu of a negative COVID test.


Additional COVID Protections

  • Masks will be required indoors and on group transportation except when eating and drinking.
  • Additional seating will be provided to increase distance and reduce proximity.
  • If a class member receives a positive test result during session, they are required to leave session immediately.  They must notify LNC and email those with whom they were in close contact. We will notify the class that a participant tested positive.
  • If a class member tests positive up to five days after session, they are required to notify LNC.  We will notify the class that a participant tested positive.
  • Presenters may unmask while speaking and will otherwise be masked.


Limited Virtual Option
For those who cannot attend in person due to health considerations, company travel restrictions, or a positive COVID test, we will be streaming content for Wednesday’s and Thursday’s presentations via Zoom.  The virtual experience will be a passive one and will not replicate the online programming of previous sessions.  Remote class members will not be active participants in discussions or the simulation, but we hope to offer a way to listen to presentations.  We will work with the venue’s technology team to provide the best experience we can for remote participants.  If you meet the criteria underlined above and find you need to change your attendance plans, email by Wednesday, February 23, at noon.  Any adjustments to your hotel reservations are your responsibility.











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