Review the resources and tackle the assignments below before joining your class in Charlotte in March.  Everything in the “Homework” section is required. Many additional resources are also included below for you to explore before or after session.

Session Workbook

Your HHS session workbook can be found through the link below.  Explore the workbook in advance and make sure you have it accessible throughout the HHS session.

Class 32 HHS Session Workbook TO COME

HHS Session Homework–Required

Nate, Lauren, Jessica: Please guide committee discussion around what you want to include as required homework.  Content below is cloned from Class 31.


Review these required resources before March 4.


Read this CNN Heroes article and watch this video in advance of the Tuesday optional activity.


Healthy Communities Profiles–Review at least one North Carolina county and familiarize yourself with how the county scores on the 21 social determinants of health. Choose a county where you live or work or a county you’d just like to know more about. Choose more than one county, if you’d like. What findings surprise you? Which ones align with your expectations?


America’s Health Rankings–Explore the full website to be familiar with what’s available. Links to select NC reports recommended for optional pre-reading are included below.


Healthy North Carolina 2030–explore the report, which will connect to content in Secretary Kinsley’s presentation.


Class 32 Poverty Simulation Homework TBD – Kelly will check with Crisis Assistance Ministry after winter break

HHS Session Resources–Recommended

The following links are resources recommended by session presenters, planning committee members, and past LNC speakers. Exploring those that interest you will enrich your experience both during and after the February Health and Human Services Session. The required pieces from above are also included in their appropriate categories below.


Nate, Lauren, Jessica: Please take the lead on:

  • Reviewing cloned content below. Check all links for accuracy, flag any content you think should be dropped, provided updated links for anything that has a newer version.
  • Suggesting new content.  Guide the committee around suggestions for additional content to include as resources.  All presenters will also be invited to share their suggestions.
  • Goal is for page to be final by Feb. 14, with window to add speaker suggestions as we work through planning calls in mid to late Feb.

Healthcare Costs, Data, and Report Cards


Poverty, Equity, Economic Mobility, and Health


State and Community Resources


Behavioral Health, Substance Use, and Violence Prevention


Food Insecurity   


Aging and End-of-Life Resources

Local Tips

Members of Class 31 shared their suggestions for dining, shopping, and exploring.  Enjoy your time in Greenville!

LNC Class 31 Local Recommendations

Session Follow-Up Materials

For completion AFTER the HHS Session