Leadership North Carolina is pleased to share the roster for LNC Class XXV (2017-2018) and to welcome these fifty-five outstanding leaders to the LNC program. These individuals represent the state’s business, government, education, and nonprofit sectors and reflect the diversity of the state from the mountains to the coast. They were selected from a competitive applicant pool based on their personal and professional accomplishments and their commitment to the state of North Carolina.
Over the next eight months this group will meet in locations across the state for sessions that include presentations, simulations, tours, experiential learning activities, and dialogue. They will learn about the challenges and opportunities facing North Carolina in the areas of government, economic development, education, the environment, and health and human services.
LNC Class XXV Sessions
- Orientation: Boone, October 3-5, 2017
- Government: Raleigh, November 7-9, 2017
- Education: Greensboro, December 5-7, 2017
- Health and Human Services: Charlotte, February 6-8, 2018
- Economic Development: Robeson County, March 6-8, 2018
- Environment: Asheville, April 10-12, 2018
- Planning Meeting/Graduation: Raleigh, May 10, 2018
The LNC program will provide opportunities for these leaders to share their own expertise and perspectives and build lasting connections. By the end of the program year participants will have gained knowledge, strategies, and relationships that they can leverage for the benefit of their communities and the state for years to come.
Planning for LNC Class XXVI
The LNC Recruitment Committee is already hard at work connecting with candidates for LNC Class XXVI (2018-2019). If you would like to receive more information and be added to our mailing list, please complete the LNC Class XXVI Interest Form on this page. The Class XXVI program schedule is available there as well.
LNC relies on recommendations from our members, alumni, and friends as our best recruitment tool. If you have suggestions for outstanding candidates, please talk with them about the program and share your recommendations with us through this link.
For more information about the LNC program, contact LNC’s program director, Kelly Turner, at kelly@leadershipnc.org or (919) 803-5325.