Brian Franklin, LNC Class XXVI

Managing Director, Regulatory Affairs – North Carolina
Duke Energy

Brian is Managing Director, Regulatory Affairs – NC for Duke Energy (the “Company”) in its 3.6 million customer North Carolina jurisdiction. In this role, he supports Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (“DEC”) and Duke Energy Progress, LLC (“DEP”) – the Company’s regulated electric utilities in NC and SC – by leading a team that manages the utilities’ NC regulatory matters and achieves consensus with stakeholder groups regarding the utilities’ business initiatives and regulatory strategies. He previously served as an Associate General Counsel for the Company in the Legal-State Regulatory department, representing DEC, DEP, and Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc. (“PNG”) before the NC, SC, and, in the case of PNG, TN utilities commissions in a number of matters including, but not limited to, fuel cost recovery filings, economic development initiatives, customer complaint disputes, and other regulatory proceedings. He also is a member of Duke Energy’s Investment Committee, which supervises and sets strategic and policy direction regarding the investment management of tens of billions of dollars in trust assets that fund the Company’s employee retirement and nuclear decommissioning obligations.


Prior to joining Duke Energy in 2008, Brian litigated at Kennedy Covington Lobdell & Hickman, LLP (now K&L Gates) in Charlotte, NC, and at Winston & Strawn LLP in Chicago, IL.


Brian is active in the community, having formerly served on the Board of Directors of Communities in Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg, Inc., a local affiliate of a national high school dropout prevention non-profit organization for at-risk youth, from 2007-2014, and as its Board President from 2013-14, and on the Board of Directors of the Arts and Science Council, Inc., which supports and promotes arts, science, history and heritage as the public art agent for the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, from 2012-2018. He also is an alumnus of Leadership North Carolina (“LNC”) Class XXVI, and has served as a member of the LNC Forum planning committee in both 2021 and 2022.


A native of Brooklyn, NY, Brian graduated Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Morehouse College in 1997, and graduated as a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar with a Juris Doctor degree from Columbia Law School in 2000.  He is a member of the NC Bar.


Brian resides in Charlotte, NC with his wife and two sons.